The series is written by Hassan Fathi and Naghmeh Samini and directed by Hassan Fathi The storyline is set around and after the 1953 Iranian coup d'tat. Rahim al-Din Walad & Tariq Imran al-Ziyad (1) Shahrzad (Persian:, romanized: shahrzd) is an Iranian romantic and historical drama series.Hassan Ibn al-Rashid/Yasmine al-Sharif (1).Khalid Ibn al-Rashid/Yasmine al-Sharif (1).Shahrzad Missaghi As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage school experiences for teachers and students around the world, questions of belonging in classrooms become increasingly critical for educators and administrators to grapple with. Khalid Ibn al-Rashid & Despina al-Sharif (1) Ep41-Equity, Belonging, & Inclusion Part 2- Feat.Aref al-Khoury & Khalid Ibn al-Rashid (1).Minor or Background Relationship(s) (1).Yasmine al-Sharif/Tariq Imran al-Ziyad (2).Shahrzad al-Khayzuran/Khalid Ibn al-Rashid (16).Kingdom of the Wicked Series - Kerri Maniscalco (1).Red Queen Series - Victoria Aveyard (1).A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J.Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins (1).Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1).The Wrath and the Dawn Series - Renée Ahdieh (19).

#Shahrzad series part 2 archive#
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (9).Language: English Words: 42,846 Chapters: 16/16 Comments: 27 Kudos: 149 Bookmarks: 25 Hits: 3362 Khalid/Shahrzad scenes from "The Wrath and the Dawn" by Renee Ahdiedh told from Khalid's perspective. Thebluemartini Fandoms: The Wrath and the Dawn or what happens when shazi forgets everything after shiva's death Language: English Words: 1,093 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 3 Kudos: 64 Bookmarks: 6 Hits: 933 This was, unfortunately, the third assassination attempt of the day. Shahrzad had given him everything-a path back into the light, a love that didn't wane, and they'd been hoping for a child- but he suspected she was currently trying to give him poison. also khalid and shazi finally throw the hands i was waiting half of twatd for.like even more so than before he needs a hug.Orphan_account Fandoms: The Wrath and the Dawn Series - Renée Ahdieh Language: English Words: 1,800 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1 Kudos: 21 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: 284 Or the one where Khalid hallucinates his dead first wife. Khalid realizes that this sleeplessness thing has officially gotten out of hand the day that he walks into his chambers and sees Ava standing in the center of the room. in case you hadn't already figured that out.could take place anytime before the chapter "A Perfect Balance" in tRatD.Khalid Ibn al-Rashid & Ava (The Wrath and the Dawn).Language: English Words: 2,831 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 15 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 457Įmjen_Enla Fandoms: The Wrath and the Dawn Series - Renée Ahdieh As they return from an exhausting party at around 2 a.m., they discover something disturbing, shocking, amusing, and exciting (respectively). Khalid, Shazi, Jalal and Despina are on vacation in the north of the country, and are staying at a resthouse owned by Khalid. This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think.Khalid ibn al Rashid & Despina al-sharif.Shahrzad al-Khayzuran/Khalid Ibn al-Rashid.